Now, I know from personal experience that it can sometimes be difficult to file such a thing in some places - however, doing so may make the difference in preserving your rights should your instrument be located years from now. While instruments have indeed been recovered and returned to their original owners, it has nearly always been with the support of this sort - i.e., being able to document ownership and "theft" (such as with a copy of the Police Report). HAVE YOU HAD A THEFT or LOSS? As is the case with any major theft, it is very worthwhile to file a Police Report of the loss as soon as it occurs. (The Flute Network does make every effort, however, to insure that all listings accurately reflect the information that is received!) Contact information is provided with each listing - any and all questions or concerns about an instrument listed here should be addressed to that party. Please be aware - postings here reflect only the information provided to us for that purpose resolving any questions of clear title or ownership rights as regards any specific instrument is well beyond the bounds of any service Flute Network can provide, and that Flute Network accepts no liability in that regard. Items are listed as information is received.
This listing of lost and stolen instruments is maintained free of charge as a service to the flute playing community. REGISTRY of LOST and/or STOLEN INSTRUMENTS Updated as of January 6, 2022 Flute Network Registry of Stolen Instruments